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Blog entries from Buffalo Brownies...

Streamlining the BB webshop

Posted by Team BB

Posted on Saturday 31 December 2016 at 13:44

It's New Year's Eve and 2016 is nearly at an end. It's a good time to make some changes to our website!

Firstly, though: a huge thanks to everyone who has enjoyed our brownies this year, whether in person or by spreading the joy using our mail order service. We know we have some devoted fans and we'll carry on makin' 'em as long as you keep buyin' 'em!

The website - and, particularly, the brownie-buying bit - has not changed significantly since we launched back in August 2011 and in that time we've had a chance to see how and why people buy our brownies. The biggest trend we have been surprised by is just how popular our Gift Option has been. This feature was added almost as an afterthought, just before we launched, but is used in around 3/4 of orders. So, to reflect this, and to simplify the process (which is currently a bit clunky), our web guru Chris is going to spend a bit of time in January rejigging everything.


The main changes will be:

1) Include the Gift Option automatically in every order: If you don't need to use it, you can leave the details blank and the brownies will go to your default address, otherwise we'll use the address and gift message you enter

2) Focus on Compact format: We've found that our Classic format is rarely ordered via the website (of course, it is still available from our stall at events and via Betty's Farm) so we will make things easier by just providing Compact format brownies via the website. The only notable exception will be the ever-popular Goldrush which is too tall for Compact and only available in Classic. If you would like to order the Classic format specifically, our Specials team will be happy to arrange a special commission of these

3) Focus on most popular flavours: We've also found that some of the more compex flavours are more popular on our stalls (where you get a chance to sample them) rather than via our website, so we're going to make these available by special request and offer the core, most popular flavours via the webshop. We'll still display all flavours on our website but we will indicate which are available to buy online and which are special order


Hopefully, all these changes will make using our webshop even easier. We'll let you know via our social media feeds how progress is coming along but, in the meantime, our webshop will be out of action, probably until the latter half of January. You'll still be able to add yourself into our monthly subscription offerings and our Box Waiting scheme as these operate using a different system.


Until then, have a fantastic New Year and let's hope 2017 is a more positive year for the world than 2016.

- Team BB x

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