Monthly Tasting Club

Brownies and blondies subscription club

Cake through your letter box every month

AUGUST 2024:

We must announce that, after twelve years, we are closing our Monthly Tasting Club. We are so pleased to have been able to supply our subscribers over the years with so many treats, be they old favourites or entirely new, experimental concepts in brownie flavour.

This comes as part of a wider effort to update our website to reflect the way mail order works in the UK today, more of which to come soon!

Thanks once more to all of our MTC subscribers and here's to whatever a future version of the MTC looks like! :-)


(Eight more than anticipated!)

(Some, we freely admit, were more successful than others. Cheddar cheese - it turns out - has no place in a chocolate brownie. Caramelised bacon in a blondie... now that WORKS.)

More information...

Sorry, this version of the MTC is now closed. Please keep up to date via our social media channels for future developments!

What if I have an existing subscription?

We have contacted all current subscribers to let them know; we can cancel those subscriptions via PayPal before they auto-renew so there is nothing further you need to do as a customer.

Buffalo Explorers

Totes awesome

Pip, Derbyshire

Have you found your flavour?

Klondike Klondike Klondike

Klondike Klondike

Maple syrup

£10 / pack of six Compact

Grounder Grounder Grounder

Grounder Grounder

Peanut butter

£12 / pack of six Compact

Cristal Cristal Cristal

Cristal Cristal

Crystallised stem ginger

£11 / pack of six Compact

Cristal Cristal

Crystallised stem ginger
Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer

Pioneer Pioneer

Pecan nut chunks

£12 / pack of six Compact

Pioneer Pioneer

Pecan nut chunks
Goldrush Goldrush Goldrush

Goldrush Goldrush

Salted caramel layer

£15 / pack of six Classic

Goldrush Goldrush

Salted caramel layer
Pure Pure Pure

Pure Pure

70% cocoa solids chocolate

£9 / pack of six Compact

Pure Pure

70% cocoa solids chocolate
Forêtnoir Forêtnoir Forêtnoir

Forêtnoir Forêtnoir

Kirsch and black cherry jelly

£15 / pack of six Compact

Forêtnoir Forêtnoir

Kirsch and black cherry jelly
Atomic Atomic Atomic

Atomic Atomic

Nothing added

£9 / pack of six Compact

Atomic Atomic

Nothing added